Horses Poland, Pluski, Olsztyn - beauty, elegance, freedom, wisdom, power...

Horseback riding, horseback riding lessons for adults and children, wagonette rides, sport carriage rides, sleigh rides, horse hotel

Horses and horseback riding tourism became already tradition in Poland. WARMIA PARK hotel in Pluski near Olsztyn makes an ideal location for all horse lovers, for the beginners through advanced riders. An amiable disposition and kind nature of our horses make them excellent companions during horseback riding. Horseback riding lessons will give great pleasure both for children and adults and noticeable progess can be made quite soon. Under the tutelage and with the help of our instructor you can get to know equine nature, yet truly " will never fully explore the mystery of the horse, it belongs to him and nature...".

Our small horse herd consists of two sisters, named Aluzja (in English: Allusion) and Bariera (in English: Barriere) and also Hestia - Oldenburg black mares, and two brothers named  Bimber (in English: Moonshine) and Browar (in English: Beer) and also Odi - bay Huculs. Bimber, Browar and Odi are kids’ most darling pets (is that because of their height?), yet all our horses got a place in our youngest Guests’ heart and all were portraited by the youngest artists.

Horses’ portraits – our horses through the eyes of children available in the gallery – see

Horse recreation

Service Price (PLN)
Horseback ride to the lake 100 (30 min)
Riding in the longe area 90 (30 min)
Riding in the paddock 90 (30 min)
Riding in the field with an instructor 150 (60 min)
Led rides 50 (15 min)
Private lessons 180 (60 min)
Rides in the field to the Moon Bay 300 (120 min)


Browar and Odi - small, friendly and brave „family ponies” expand

Browar and Odi are all Huculs. All they think about is play and hay. It is very hard to tell which is which. All of them are bay, with a dark dorsal strip and zebra strips on the legs characteristic for the breed. They are equally socialble and curious about everything.  
The most frisky is the youngest, Odi. He encourages all the crowd to play. Browar is an epitome of stoic calmness.

The personification of gentleness and peace

With their height the Huculs are clasiffied as pony breed. They are very friendly with a docile and good disposition, but also have lively temper.

They show a great courage and independence. High level of intelligence allows them to overcome any obstacle (by jumping, bypassing, crowling). The Hucul is a strong horse of a big heart and great character, docile and friendly, always willing to cooperate with the rider. It became a great „family horse” for children, adolescents and adults, used for horseback riding, under harness, for sport and recreation. Calmness and patience of the Huculs make them ideal for hippotherapy and psychotherapy.


Hucul horses is a mountain horse breed, which was formed in the Hutsul region (in the East Carpatian Mountains) by the Hutsul highlanders and the severe nature of these areas.

Hucul horses are characterized by caution and prudence while moving under difficult field conditions, ability to maintain in extremely adverse weather conditions, an excellent sense of direction. Additionally these horses show strong attachment to man, to whom they were close for hundreds of years. Their resourcefulness survived in the gens till today – they reach practically anywhere, they manage to find a way to overcome any obstacle starting from... pasture fencing (they can jump over 140 cm with the average height of 137 cm at the withers), through windfalls on a track, to difficult mountain tracks.

They are also known for their intelligence – checking by the hoof a bridge across the stream or their ability to survive blizzard or hail is almost legendary.

Aluzja & Bariera - elegant Oldenburg horses expand

Aluzja, Bariera and Hestia are genuine Oldenburg hot-blooded horses with character, yet quite cheerful and docile.  How to tell which is which? Bariera has got a bit stronger figure, the bigger star on its forehead and three white socks on the lower legs, except for the right front hock. Aluzja is more slender and is missing a sock on the left front hock. Hestia is the slenderest, got just one sock on the rear right hock and the biggest white star on the forehead. Aluzja, as befits the leader of a herd, keeps an eye on everyone and everything, reprimands all the herd members and leads a morning practice on a paddock once in a while. Bariera, a sister of  Aluzja, is very calm, sage and prudent. Hestia, the youngest, in her turn is extremely cuddly, even kissy. She is very friendly towards people. 

Oldenburg horses are considered to be good jumpers, moreover they move beautifully, lifting legs quite high. These horses are intelligent, obedient and willing to cooperate with people. They are liked by beginning riders as well as professional athletes.

A special feature of Oldenburg horses beauty is nicely formed head of slightly Roman nose profile.